Reseller information
Here you can find our resellers listed by regional coverage
Kotimaisia asiakkaita pyydämme ottamaan suoraan yhteyttä Agimet:iin.
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Agimet Email
The resellers and distributors listed in this page represent Agimet Oy in their respective areas. Please note that if there is no reseller listed for your area, please contact the nearest reseller or directly Agimet using contact information provided in this website.
If there's no reseller listed for your area and your company is interested of representing Agimet products, please contact Agimet.
Sweden | Joygarden Agility AB | kenneljoygarden(at) |
Norway | Petworld (Hagen e-handel AS) | bendic(at) |
Estonia | Mustelfed OU | mait(at) |
Czech Republic and Slovakia | HCV Group |
Latvia and Lithuania | | |
Finland, all non-listed countries | Agimet Oy |